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peanutfor all the smack they talked before the game even started this was a well deserved reality check gg ez无论她们赛后说了啥骚话,但这是她们现实生活考评的结论。Olsen FernandesFPX beat DEFENDING WORLD CHAMPIONSWorld: G2 is amazing! They beat (insert name) easy! FPX is a OK team I guess but G2 gonna win.FPX sweeps G2World: Suprised Pikachu Face当FPX打败了卫冕亚军IG当今世界:G2棒极了!她们打败(填入中文名称)很难!FPX是两个极好的旅团,但G2会赢。当FPX 炸毁 G2当今世界:吃惊的阿宝脸Jeff Xuonly the first match was fantastic, the last one G2 already so scared, then nothing to start(半决赛中)多于第二局赛事是精采的,最终五局G2早已很绝望了,接着她们甚么也没做(就急性失踪了)Macha MacaroonsCongratulations for back to back 0-3, Caps.恭贺你以0-3的大比分完结赛事,Caps(G2旅团Hwaseong球手)Emiii LiA shutdown to all haters.To hell with predictions.Only one perfect pickem, well-deserved.GG FPX and G2 ❤️过滤大部份的憎恶Mirambeau。让赛后预估郑中基去吧。多于两个轻松的优先选择,税金结论理所当然。恭贺 FPX和G2❤️
vinylpimpif G2 won, no one was going to shut Quikshots mouth for years to come.假如G2赢了,在接下去一两年里,就没有人能上Quikshot的嘴闭上了。uio oiuDoinbs wife is the REAL mvp hereDoinb的丈夫是那场赛事或者说的mvpcyhulnSKT lost to this??SKT决非这种一队旅团么?Mahiru ChanLwx: its not like we perform well, its G2 didn really perform. Ouch!Lwx说:并非我们整体表现得好,而要G2整体表现得不太好(才赢的),哎郁闷!nam vuThansk god no need to read delusional EU fans comments for the next 6 months得著,在接下去的三个月了不必再看见西欧分赛区影迷的病态文章了。jack brianG2 was so out of touch with reality until Tian woke them up with Lee Sin kicks...G2全体人员是那么的浸润于现实生活以外,直至小天用盲僧的踹唤起了她们...Farhan Sultanrakan: has iG skin wih kaisaxayah: got fpx skin with thresheveryone really separate. forever dont exist.rakan: 想IG的concerto亚军眼部xayah: 想FPX的锤石亚军眼部(欧美国家旅团老队员)每一人都有他们的市场需求,且此种市场需求不能暂停。
Marko TodorovicIm so dissapointed. :/And the thought of the gap between regions never seemed as scary as right now. G2 is super team, the best team west ever had, with best of the best and yet they got 3-0d in finals.我觉得很莫名其妙/现在一想到分赛区实力的差距我就感到前所未有的绝望,G2是个超级旅团,它是有史以来西方最强的旅团了,然而它在半决赛中被3-0完虐了。AndyWhen Perkz tweeted how Doinb won’t be the second best mid laner and they lostPerkz曾经在推特上说过Doinb不能成为第二好的Hwaseong球手,现在他被打脸了