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油管刷播放量 --油管买赞平台

首页 YouTube   作者:coolfensi  2023年03月01日  热度:70  评论:0     
时间:2023-3-1 15:22   热度:70° 

自由创作油管是时候脱离Alphabet公司了It could be worth more than Netflix它可能比网飞公司更值钱[Paragraph 1]COMPARED WITH the attention heaped on Bob Iger’s return to thehelmof Disney and thestepping backof Reed Hastings at Netflix, news on February 16th that Susan Wojcicki would resign from YouTube after nine years as CEO caused barely a rustle in the media pages.

与鲍勃·伊格尔回归迪士尼以及里德·黑斯廷斯退居网飞幕后的关注度相比,2月16日,在油管当任 9 年CEO的苏珊·沃伊茨基将辞职的消息几乎没有引起媒体界的关注。

That is a sign of two things. First, how little attention Wall Street analysts and entertainment-industryscribblerspay to the business of YouTube, even though it has become a hub—as well as abyword—for global video.


Second, how overshadowed it is by theteetering rampartsof its parent company, Alphabet.

第二,它的母公司 Alphabet过于耀眼,因此油管黯然失色。

Sundar Pichai, the tech giant’s beleaguered boss, is fighting wars on so many fronts, from Microsoft’s ChatGPT-inspired encroachment on Google search to trustbusters and the Supreme Court, that the goings-on at YouTube must seem like asideshow.谷歌CEO桑达尔·皮查伊正面临着许多挑战,包括微软的ChatGPT威胁到了谷歌的搜索地位,反垄断人员的监管和最高法院的诉讼等,因此油管的事务就显得微不足道。

[Paragraph 2]That does adisserviceto Ms Wojcicki. Her decision to hand over to herlieutenant, Neal Mohan, may not have come at thepinnacleof YouTube’s success.


A combination of an advertising slowdown and competition from TikTok, an addictive short-video app, has helped lead to its second consecutive quarter of year-on-year decline in ad revenues.


Yet on her watch, YouTube has become so integral to the entertainment landscape that to many it is DIY handbook, cookbook, childminder, jukebox, yoga instructor, news channel and time sink, all rolled into one.


It has 2.6bn monthly active users and a simple but effective revenue-sharing model that millions of creators rely on to keep pouring stuff out. Its response to TikTok, YouTube Shorts, averages 50bn views a day.它拥有26亿个月活跃用户和一个简单而有效的收入分成模式,数百万创作者依靠它不断输出内容。它与TikTok的对标产品是YouTube Shorts,这个平台每天平均播放量达到500亿次。

[Paragraph 3]Data published this week by Benedict Evans, a tech commentator, underscored just how far the platform has gone beyond social-media video to more mainstream content.

In America, YouTube’s share of TV viewing has recently eclipsed Netflix.


Last year, according to Mr Evans’s estimates, it paid its creators almost as much as Netflix paid for its big-budget productions.


Star YouTubers like MrBeast command similar audiences to a top Netflix hit.MrBeast等优秀油管创作者的作品与网飞的热门影片一样受到观众的追捧。[Paragraph 4]It is an advertisingjuggernautto boot.


Though its $29bn of ad sales last year were roughly a tenth of Alphabet’s revenues, Richard Broughton of Ampere Analysis, a research firm, points out that they are equivalent to a sizeable chunk of the global $140bn broadcast-TV advertising market.

虽然油管去年290亿美元广告销售额大约只占Alphabet收入的1/10,但研究公司Ampere Analysis的理查德·布劳顿指出,这在全球1,400亿美元的广播电视广告市场中的占比相当大。

Moreover, YouTubegives Spotify a runfor its moneyin music and podcasts, sells cablelike bundles of channels on YouTube TV, and, like Amazon and Apple, takes a cut on subscriptions to other media companies’ streaming services.

此外,在音乐和播客方面,油管对Spotify构成了竞争,它在YouTube TV上销售类似有线电视的频道包,与亚马逊和苹果一样,从其他媒体公司的流媒体服务订阅中分成。

And it has even justshelled outa reported $14bn for the rights to stream live American football on Sundays.


In short, it is hoping to become the stage door for all the world’s small-screen video, from user-generated clips and streaming to sport.简而言之,它希望成为全球所有小屏幕视频的舞台门户,小屏幕视频包括用户生成的剪辑、流媒体、体育等。

(恭喜读完,本篇英语词汇量 480/1007左右)原文出自:2023年2月25日《The Economist》Business版块。

本文翻译整理: Irene

本文编辑校对: Irene仅供个人英语学习交流使用。

【补充资料】(来自于网络)苏珊·沃伊茨(Susan Wojcicki )是一位知名的美国企业家和互联网领袖,目前担任YouTube的首席执行官。于1968年7月5日出生在加州圣克拉拉县的圣马特奥市,是一名波兰移民的女儿。她在加州大学圣巴巴拉分校获得了本科学位,并在哈佛大学获得了MBA学位。一位慈善家,她在教育、环保和医疗保健等领域积极投入。她曾在非营利组织Room to Read的董事会任职,并与她的丈夫一起创立了一家非营利组织,致力于支持教育和女性的权益。

桑达尔·皮查伊(Sundar Pichai)是一位知名的印度裔美国企业家,现任谷歌(Google)和母公司Alphabet的首席执行官。于1972年7月12日出生在印度的马德拉斯(今钦奈)市。他在印度获得了工程学位,并在斯坦福大学获得了计算机科学硕士学位和商业管理硕士学位。他在谷歌工作多年,主要负责谷歌Chrome浏览器和Android操作系统等产品的开发和推广。他还在谷歌云计算和人工智能等领域取得了重大突破。在成为谷歌首席执行官后,他将重点放在了技术创新、人工智能和数字隐私等方面,并致力于推动谷歌的全球化发展。

【重点句子】(3 个)Yet on her watch, YouTube has become so integral to the entertainment landscape that to many it is DIY handbook, cookbook, childminder, jukebox, yoga instructor, news channel and time sink, all rolled into one.然而,在她的领导下,油管已经成为娱乐领域不可或缺的一部分,许多人将它视为自己的DIY手册、烹饪书、保姆、点唱机、瑜伽教练、新闻频道和消磨时间的利器,它集所有这些功能于一身。

Star YouTubers like MrBeast command similar audiences to a top Netflix hit.MrBeast等优秀油管创作者的作品与网飞的热门影片一样受到观众的追捧。In short, it is hoping to become the stage door for all the world’s small-screen video, from user-generated clips and streaming to sport.简而言之,它希望成为全球所有小屏幕视频的舞台门户,小屏幕视频包括用户生成的剪辑、流媒体、体育等。
