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youtube买评论 --油管刷粉丝平台

首页 YouTube   作者:coolfensi  2022年12月09日  热度:49  评论:0     
时间:2022-12-9 10:28   热度:49° 




Chinese singer Jackson Wang has been praised before for being thoughtful to fans. He yet again won their hearts upon his arrival at Kuala Lumpur International Airport (KLIA) recently.


On Sept 24, a frenzy of fans waited for Wang at KLIA as he arrived to perform at Sunway Lagoon for music festival Good Vibes Weekender.At one point, Wang was seen trying to help a fan who fell down as she was pushed by the crowd.

9月24日,王嘉尔抵达吉隆坡国际机场,为Good Vibes Weekender音乐节献唱。一时间,一名粉丝被人群撞倒,王嘉尔试图帮助她。



Another fan, meanwhile, lost her shoe. A video shared on Twitter showed the Got7 boy band member waving the missing shoe in the air so that the owner could claim it.


Amidst the chaos, Wang was heard asking security officers around him to "calm down" when they attempted to push fans away in order to clear a path for him.


After the airport drama, Wang tweeted that it was "dangerous back then and urged fans to prioritise their safety. He also penned another post on Twitter of his appreciation to fans who took the trouble to wait for him at the airport.


9月9日,王嘉尔发行了个人新专辑《MAGIC MAN》,登上了公告牌专辑榜第15名。9月28日,王嘉尔官宣将正式开启首次个人世界巡演,遍及泰国、马来西亚、新加坡、英国、法国等国家及地区。


Jackson Wang will be bringing his first ever solo concert tour to Singapore come December. The Magic Man world tour will kick off on Nov 26 in Bangkok before travelling to Kuala Lumpur, Singapore, London, Paris and Dubai.

王嘉尔将于12月在新加坡举行他的首次个人巡回演唱会。MAGIC MAN世界巡演将于11月26日在曼谷开始,之后将前往吉隆坡、新加坡、伦敦、巴黎和迪拜。

Magic Man debuted at No. 15 on the Billboard 200 chart. Music videos of songs from his album, including tracks like Blow and Blue, have each earned over 20 million views on YouTube.

《Magic Man》首发后便登上了公告牌专辑榜第15名。新专辑中《Blow》和《Blue》等歌曲的MV在YouTube上的点击量都超过了2000万次。

