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首页 YouTube   作者:coolfensi  2022年11月23日  热度:48  评论:0     
时间:2022-11-23 8:43   热度:48° 


Hatsune Miku the Goddess"Are you done?" "Hope youre fine with that!"Kiana talking like when Himeko fought HoV! Its just so beautiful!你的反击完结了?轮到我了,没意见建议吧!琪玛丽娜说不然就像大介和空律遭遇战的这时候说的!啊棒极了!

Odd potatoI have to re-watch the scene again just for this, now the onions in my room have doubled the quantity有鉴于此我又再次看了两遍,那时我卧室里的卷心菜数目减半了

KaiserinEven her stance at the start was even the same with Himeko when she recovered from Sirins attacks.连琪玛丽娜的坐姿也和大介从塞雷县的反击下苏醒过来时那样

Elben Mirandaomg yes it is! i didint notice that up till now!..... now with more tears to come T_T啊的确这般!你说了我才注意到!……泪水流的更多了T_T

l Alize lSurely, this is made based on Final Lesson. Everything is getting more, and more interesting. Looking forward for more years with Kiana.的确,这是基于《最后一课》。一切都变得越来越有趣了。期待与琪玛丽娜一起度过更多的岁月。

Jhon PaulDude some of it are somewhat based on Final Lesson. When Kiana retrieve her sword on this scene 2:32. She said "Its my turn. Hope youre fine with that" This is the exact same phrase Himiko said when she was fighting possessed Kiana in final lesson before dealing the final blow.有一部分是基于《最后一课》。当琪玛丽娜在2:32取回她的剑时,她说轮到我了,没意见建议吧,这和大介当时在《最后一课》中与被附体的琪玛丽娜遭遇战进行最后一击之前说的完全那样。

okularnik125There is not mamy years left. This is the end game. After this chapter we enter Final Arc没剩多少年了,这是游戏结尾,这章之后我们要进入最终章了

Jann Marvin Machacon@okularnik125 Then Im too late to even start the game then :(那我那时开始玩这游戏已经太迟了吗:(

Issac mk1@Jann Marvin Machacon there is never too late, we still got more than a year永远都不迟,我们还有一年以上的时间

Mahdi FarajiWhat happens if the story ends? Like the game dies and servers will be shutdown or something?如果故事完结了会怎么办?游戏死亡、服务器关闭还是怎样?

okularnik125@Mahdi Faraji There should be 14 of them. Void, Fire, Reason,Sentience, Stars, Earth, Domination, Thunder, Wind , 4 is left and the Herrscher of the End应该有14个律者。空律、炎律、理律、识律、星、地、支配、雷、风,还有4个和终律

Daniel Cook@Jann Marvin Machacon no not too late just cause the game story will end does not mean that the game itself will go away.Look at final fantasy XI its story is basically over but people still play it there is always time并不晚,因为游戏故事完结并不意味着游戏本身会消失。看看《最终幻想11》,它的故事基本已经完结,但大家仍然在玩,时间总是有的

Yuki ReviveDamn. Am I the only one who thinks the Herrscher Cores combination for Kiana is really cool?Void - previous void in herself that is now fulfilledReason - power to choose right way/decisionsSentience - a new better version of herselfFlames - burning courage to defy all that blocks her wayFinally our Tuna have grown up. Shes no longer a clone, a failure, a pathless child, and a coward. Shes Kiana Kaslana - Herrscher of Flamescion. The one who will end this story her own way.该死,只有我一个人认为对琪玛丽娜来说律者核心组合很酷吗?空——她先前的空白那时被弥补理——选择正确道路的力量识——一个更好的自己薪炎——燃烧的勇气,挑战阻碍她道路的一切最终,我们的琪玛丽娜长大了。她不再是一个克隆人、一个失败者、一个迷茫的孩子、胆小鬼。她是琪玛丽娜·卡斯兰娜,薪炎之律者,会用自己的方式终结这个故事的人。

ImmortalEmperorMasterDon’t forget serenity- power to never lose one self to emotion别忘了还有静谧——永不在情感中迷失自我的力量

Rizky Yulianto@ImmortalEmperorMaster serenity ? Thunder core or not? If yes she doesnt have anymore. That thing is within mei as herscher of thunder静谧?是雷电宝石吗?如果是,她已经没有了。那东西在芽衣身上作为雷之律者。

Yuki Revive@ImmortalEmperorMaster Gem of Serenity is the Void Core. Gem of Conquest is the Thunder Core which is now inside Mei HoT.静谧宝石是空律核心。征服宝石是雷律核心,那时在芽衣雷律身上

Marisa Honkai Ch.Finished watching. In tears. After all the depressing Kiana story, in this cg, Kiana never hesitated and kept pushing forward. Shes coming for you, Mei~看完了。泪流满面。在经历了那么多齐玛丽娜令人抑郁的故事之后,在这个短片里,琪玛丽娜不再迟疑。她来找你了,芽衣~

Varl NovaMe too, the animation is so amazing that Im laughing tears of joy我也是,这部动画棒极了,我流下喜悦的泪水

Cloudii · WinterFinally, the Herrscher of Domination arc is ending!终于,支配律者章节完结了!

Sean AngFeel that Mei will react by infusing herself with the three other Herrscher cores currently in Worlds Serpent possession and then challenge Kiana one final time though Kiana will win in my opinion and convince Mei to return.我觉得芽衣会把自己和目前世界蛇所拥有的其他三颗律者核心融合,然后最后一次挑战琪玛丽娜,尽管我觉得琪玛丽娜会赢,然后说服芽衣回来。

I LOVE DENTISTRYCan anybody answer where is Mei now and Will be kiana have 4 herscher + fusion herscher form?谁能回答一下,芽衣那时在那里?琪玛丽娜会有四个律者核心,并且有融合形态吗?

Future. StarfallRight now is a Question will Bronya be able to use her Herrscher powers or she give full power to Kiana? And the same Fu hua? Im little bit confused in that part那时的问题是,布洛妮娅还能用她的律者力量吗,还是把她的全部力量都给琪玛丽娜了?还有符华呢?这部分我有点困惑。

aufa mifaI cant stop crying. Why?我哭得停不下来,为什么?

Michael Li( TДT) happy tears( TДT) 高兴的泪水

cursedexOur little Kiana has now grown to be a shonen protagonist.我们的小琪玛丽娜那时已经成长为闪耀的主角了

Myha LeAlways has been她一直都是

mugensamuraiTo all the haters saying its dumb Kiana gets Himekos powers. I say this to you everything comes full circle and it makes total sense. Some people dont like change but to us true fans change is just another way of learning.对那些憎恨者,说琪玛丽娜获得大介的力量是错的人,我要说的是一切都是完满的,都是有意义的。有些人不喜欢改变,但对我们这些真正的粉丝来说,改变只是学习的另一种方式。

IlhanThese are not Himekos powers.These are the rest amount of the Gem of Flames because of Fu Hua and Bronya the Gem could unleash their full potenial.The sword that Kiana haves is also not Himekos Surtr its a Replica builded by Kianas feelings the Gem of Flames这不是大介的力量。这是火焰宝石的剩余力量,因为符华和布洛妮娅,宝石可以释放它们的全部潜能。琪玛丽娜的剑也不是大介的,而是琪玛丽娜通过感知火焰宝石打造的复制品。

· Skylyn · *After all these years.The character growth Kiana has been through is inspiring. Even if I probably won’t go through something as bad as this, at least I know that a fictional character named Kiana can keep moving forward这么多年了。琪玛丽娜经历这么多后的成长令人欣喜。即使我可能不会经历像这样糟糕的事情,至少我知道一个叫琪玛丽娜的虚构人物会继续前进。

Ill gladly albendover for uWhen a fictional character is better than you :当一个虚构人物比你优秀时

Moin ShaikhEven though I dont like Kiana personally, even I admit that her growth is just phenomenally beautiful尽管我个人并不喜欢琪玛丽娜,但我承认她的成长异常美好

Harshit GargPerfection cant be achieved...You cant make someone Excited, Laugh, Cry and Emotional at the same time.....Mihoyo:- Then let me show you how its done.Just give them a award already for making the best Soundtrack, Animation and Storywriting at the same time for a Free To Play Mobile Game. You are absolute Legends.完美是不可能的……你不能让一个人同时兴奋、欢笑、哭泣和激动……米忽悠:那么让我表演一下如何做到吧给他们颁发一个奖项,奖励他们制作了最好的音乐、动画和故事同时还是个免费手机游戏。你们绝对是传奇。

Kefinan TsukuyomiDont you just love how Himeko is still fighting even after death.大介死后仍在遭遇战,难道你们不喜欢吗

Decora ChanI’m crying already, please don’t say it anymore我已经哭了,请别再说了

Lai SYHimekos flames will never extinguish大介的火焰永不熄灭

le coffeeBecause shes a badass! Legends never Die.因为她是个狼灭!传奇永不死。

xxJJ5x5xxJust finished watching this. Literally in tears by the end. Stunning music, beautiful animation, and amazing character development. Ive known Kiana since the GGZ days, and it feels like time has passed so quickly. Its honestly amazing and inspiring to see how far she has gone, and the fact that we can watch it happen with these beautifully animated shorts.Much love and appreciation to Mihoyo. This is definitely one of my top favorite animations for the Honkai series.刚看完。到最后真的看哭了。令人惊叹的音乐,出色的动画,优秀的角色发展。我在《蹦2》的这时候就认识琪玛丽娜了,感觉时间过得真快。看到她走了这么远,并且能通过这些出色的动画短片来观看这一切的发生真的很令人惊讶和欣喜。非常感激米忽悠。这绝对是我最喜欢的崩坏系列动画之一。