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油管刷赞 --YouTube带货

首页 YouTube   作者:coolfensi  2022年11月23日  热度:55  评论:0     
时间:2022-11-23 6:58   热度:55° 


nish tallThis little kid should be given the award for best acting his really amazing.那个小女孩如果被授与最差现场等奖项,他的现场表演毕竟是棒极了!

zerocoolx05He was even better in Heavenly Sword and Dragon Slaying Sabre(申明nish tall)他在剧《孔明神雕侠侣》中的现场表演比这更要更快!

afro aestheticOmg the boy is a really good actor !!! Hes even better than some famous Chinese actors .天哪,那个小女孩啊两个好女演员!!他即使比许多知名的我国女演员还出众。

ÅBBŸLet me just say... This kid deserves an Oscar!!! I cried, laughed, whined, frowned and everything with him!! Many adult. actors are not even near to his level... Those facial expressions and tones are everything that I live for in a true actor!!!那么说吧,那个小孩如果得两个奥斯卡金像奖!!我同他一同哭过、笑过、埋怨过、抓耳挠腮,所有人的所有人……很多初生女演员即使都达不出那个小孩的水准。我指出,他这些多样的脸部眼神和韵母,才是一位或者说女演员的所有人!!

VivianI haven’t laughed so many times for a drama. Excellent young actor. Can’t wait for next episode.从来没有一部剧,能让我笑那么多次。啊优秀的年轻女演员,我已经等不及想看下一部了。

AsgarlaThank you so much for uploading the drama here and most of all thanks for the English subs. The modern part feels out of place and the transition is choppy. On the contrary, the ancient part is well done and makes me curious about this drama and its storyline.非常感谢你上传这部剧,最重要的是,感谢你制作的英文字幕。这部剧里的现代部分让我感觉格格不入,而且过渡很不平顺。相反,古代的部分处理得非常好,让我对这部剧和它的故事情节感到十分好奇。

tomii jamesI cracked up when the kid was laughing when wuzhu pointed and said "its him" hes damn smart当五竹叔指着小范闲,说是他干的,然后小范闲苦笑的时候,我都笑的肚子疼了!他真的是太聪明了。

Lily The RaindropThe boy(little fan xian) really is a good actor. Being a child, he did a great job. His facial expressions got me.那个小女孩(小范闲)啊两个好女演员。作为两个小孩,他现场表演地非常好,脸部眼神打动了我。

MrKpopSucksya last time i saw him was in Heavenly Sword and Dragon Sabre where he played young Wu Ji very well. He sure has lots of potential as an actor!上次我看到他的现场表演时,还是在《孔明神雕侠侣》里,当时他扮演幼年的张无忌,现场表演非常好。他的确有当女演员的潜力。

Kohinoor SandhuThe kid did whatever student wishes to do at least once in life. Knockout a teacher那个小孩做了很多学生在一生中至少想做一次的事情——击倒两个老师。

Joan AguilarI wish to have a teacher like this two! HAHAHA我也想有这两位老师!哈哈哈!

R GettyThat young boy is pretty good on acting ... sad that he only have 1 episode那个小小孩真的是擅长现场表演……可悲的是,他的戏份只有一集。

xOrdinaryNerdxRewatching again while waiting for the next season. This drama is amazing and its a piece of genius work.再刷一遍这部剧,顺便等下一季出来。这部剧真的是棒极了,不愧是天才之作。

Bareiria = バレリアThe little kids was awesome. When I saw him get the table I had a feeling he was going to discipline the butler and he slapped him it just made me laugh. I love his character so far and I like uncle wu cause that guy is crazy...这些小孩们的现场表演棒极了,当我看到他去搬来桌子的时候,我觉得他只是会去教训一下那个管家,结果他直接扇了管家两个巴掌,直接把我整笑了。我很喜欢那个角色,同时我也很喜欢五竹叔,那个家伙太疯狂了……

Alejandra ParkerI just finished watching ALL 46 English subbed episodes and I, 100% recommend this drama . I wasnt prepared for a cliffhanger ...there is a season 2....but the drama is so good that I am willing to wait for second season.THANK YOU FANSUB AS ALWAYS, YOU DO AN EXCELLENT JOB OF TRANSALATING...WITHOUT YOUR TRANSALATONS MANY OF US WOULDNT HAVE THE JOY AND PLEASURE OF WATCHING THIS FINE DRAMA.我刚刚看完全部46集带英文字幕的视频,百分之百推荐这部剧,没想到这部剧会留下这样的悬念,而且还有第二季。这部剧毕竟是太好了,我愿意等第二季出来。我一如既往地感谢字幕组,你们译者地很好,如果没有你们的译者,我们中很多人都不会从这部精彩电视中获得喜悦和乐趣。

An D DamI just started on this series and I already love it haha.. the boy is the best child actor ever and he also plays a child role of the main character wuji in heavenly sword and dragon slayer sabre 2019 series. Cant wait to see what this joy of life evolves to我刚刚开始追那个系列的剧,就已经爱上它了,哈哈!那个男孩是有史以来最好的儿童女演员,他还在2019版《孔明神雕侠侣》中扮演少年张无忌,啊迫不及待想知道,《庆余年》最终结局会是什么样?

Lynne MartinThis is a classic. Would love to see it on US tv. I’ve become addicted to Chinese/ Asian series. They are wonderful. This is My favourite drama/comedy series. Love this wee lad. He is fabulous. The scenes with Master Fei are great. He knocks out his teacher, the grave digging, poisonings, great pair. But I Love all the characters, actors. The main actor Zhang, is gorgeous and terrific. Looking forward to the 2nd series.这部剧啊经典之作,希望能够在美国电视台上看到它。我已经开始迷上了我国/亚洲剧了,它们都非常精彩,而这一部是我最喜欢的剧/喜剧系列。我非常喜欢那个小伙子,他啊令人难以置信,和费介老师的对戏很棒,击倒了自己的老师、挖坟还有学毒,啊很棒的一对。但我同时也喜欢所有的女演员和角色,男主演张若昀也非常棒!期待这部剧的第二季!

xiudreaming while awakeAfter watching 1st season, everything thats said, done, & the ppl have a whole new meaning in this 1st episode. Its kind of amazing.当我看完整个第一季之后,发现所有角色在第一集所说过、做过的,都有了全新的意义。这真的很神奇!

Ala SeyiThis story is sos so interesting. Just finished watching it and I love it, and cant wait to watch the season 2刚刚看完这部剧,简直是太有意思了,非常喜欢它。已经等不及想要看第二季了。

Sharon KwokI love this kid. I wish a whole drama would have him in it.我非常喜欢那个小孩,希望整部剧里都有他的戏份。

Cynthia AlexanderThis little boy is awesome, his uncle speaks like a robot n his teacher is amusing.那个小女孩真棒,他的叔叔说话就像是两个机器人,他的老师也很有趣……

Andi AdamsUncle did show some emotion in a later episode so maybe hes a cyborg. Love the character though.在后面的剧情里,他的叔叔也展示出了许多情感,也许他是个半机械人?总之,很喜欢那个角色。

Kat HeartI cant believe theres actually a live drama of one of my favorite novels!啊难以置信,我最喜欢的小说之一,竟然有了剧。

Jory LlenaHis acting is very natural his born to be actor can’t say anything but these boy is golden他真的有演技天赋,天生就是当女演员的料。

Nompilo MvusiThis is such an awesome drama second time watching it its so strategic and plot twists I love it啊一部非常棒的剧,已经二刷了,它充满了策略和情节转折,我非常喜欢。

LudeleNYC BrooklynThis child needs to collect his Oscar now.那个小女孩该去拿奥斯卡金像奖了。

Adelrewatching.. cant wait for season 2.. wish it would be the same cast :D Zhang Ruoyan!!!正在重新看这部剧,已经等不及第二季了。希望第二季还是同样的女演员阵容~张若昀!!!

Edo MohammedI’m 10 episodes in and now rewatching from the beginning because I missed Haolin Han, young Fan Xian who’s only in a few episodes. He lights up the screen with his antics, I hope he gets major roles in the near future. The female lead character is typical and over dramatized, leaving me bored. Perhaps I might give it another chance and see if there’s character development going forward. Fan Xian younger brother, Fan Sizhe and his mother are good pairing. I loved seeing them on screen together for their love for wealth.我已经看了十集,现在又从头看了一遍,只因为我很想念韩昊霖——少年范闲,他只出演了几集,但是他的稀奇古怪点亮了整部剧,我希望他能在不久的将来得到主要的角色。不过,女主比较典型,过于戏剧化,让我觉得有点无聊。也许,我该再给一次机会,看看她是否有角色上的发展。范闲的弟弟——范思哲和他的母亲是很不错的搭配,他们俩很贪财,所以喜欢看他们同时出现在镜头里。

Tongy 2007Cant wait for season 2, I love this drama.等不及想要看第二季了,我喜欢这部剧。

Mlle MerveilleWell after reading the comments I was looking forward to see that boys acting skill and let me tell you Im not dissapointed at all he is better than some adult actors. He needs an award from this drama看完评论后,我非常期待那个小女孩的演技。我得说,他一点也没有让我失望,他即使比许多初生女演员更要好,他如果通过这部剧获得奖项。

Judy KraskaThis first episode was one of the best l have ever seen. I loved/enjoyed every minute, when l saw it the first time. By now it is my 5 time l watch this first season of JOY OF LIVE. Apart from the acting, l love listening to the dreamy music 36:26, which stimulates ones senses to be part of this past time, and suits the mood of the episode so well. Xiao Zhan sings the song at the end. Thank you. I am so happy to watch this again.第一集是我最喜欢的一集,当我第一次看时,我喜欢/欣赏它的每一分钟。到目前为止,我已经观看《庆余年》五遍了。除了精彩的现场表演,我还喜欢36:26处那梦幻般的音乐,它能够引发人的情感,让人融入到过去的时光里,非常适合这一集的气氛。而且片尾曲还是肖战唱的。谢谢你!我很乐意再去刷一遍那个剧。

AMM calankaI never get tired of this drama this is my 4 time watching这部剧我从来都看不腻,这已经是我的四刷了!

Yvonnetta BushellI loved the young boy .he was amazing in his part ..too bad it was so short ..hope to see him in another drama again我非常喜欢那个小女孩,他演的角色非常棒,只可惜时间太短了。希望能够在另一部剧中看到他。

Santeria BanksWow! This kid actor is amazing! In just the 1st part of this movie, I was dying laughing.哇!那个小女演员毕竟棒极了!在这部剧的第一部分,我都要笑死了。

Ogechi Egbuson"Did you annoy my mother to death?" Lol我妈是被你气死的吗?哈哈哈

belette2000Best chinese drama Ive ever watched!!! Its my second time watching it <3这是我所看过最棒的我国剧!!!正在二刷之中。

bonny dreyerI have watched many Historical dramas but this one is the best for me,,, absolutely brilliant to the end.我看过很多历史剧,但我指出这部才是最好的,从头到尾都非常精彩。

John BoatengThe boy is a great talent, I wanna hug him. His expressions are perfect!!!那个男孩很有天赋,我真想抱抱他。他对眼神的拿捏简直完美!!!