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首页 Twitter   作者:coolfensi  2022年10月29日  热度:97  评论:0     
时间:2022-10-29 7:15   热度:97° 

你每晚中午睡着后第二件事是看智能手机吗?你每晚单厢采用SNS互联网高度关注亲朋挚友的Jaunpur吗?近些年来social media SNS新闻媒体在急速发生改变着她们的日常生活生活形式,正式成为了每一人日常生活生活中不可缺少的一小部份,在此之后派生的SNS互联网用词也悄悄步入了她们的日常生活谈话。之中许多用词的英文讲法是什么呢?下列如是说一些SNS新闻媒体中文网站中常用词和用语总括:高度关注 followI can’t decide if I should follow my ex-boyfriend on a microblog.我下定决心没法与否如果在博客上高度关注我第三任女友。影迷 followerDid I tell you Victoria Beckham has just become my follower?我有说你贝嫂刚正式成为我的影迷吗?撷取 shareLots of people share BBC Learning English content on social media sites.许多人都在SNS新闻媒体中文网站上撷取BBC英文课堂教学。申明 replyWe try to reply to all online inquiries within a week.她们谋求在两周内申明大部份新浪网审问。转贴 repost/retweetThis is so useful I am going to repost it.这个太管用了我得转贴。文章 commentWhy don’t you comment?你为何不文章下呢?赞 likeHer post only received one like.她发的回帖才接到一个赞。加挚友 friendShe was so surprised when her ex-boyfriend friended her.她很吃惊她的前女友加她为挚友。贴文 private message/direct messageYou can only send direct message to those who follow you.你根本无法给高度关注你的汤泽市贴文。 WeChatEveryone uses WeChat these days, even my grandmother!天下人都用,连我爷爷都用了!博客 microblogMicroblogs usually have an 140-character limit.博客一般来说有140个页数管制。贴文 MomentsShe shared her holiday pictures in Moments.她在贴文里晒了她渡假的相片。@ (读做) atYou can @us on microblog.你可以在博客上点她们名啊。hashtagYou should use before a trending topic.你如果在热点话题altar。概要 profileMost social media sites ask you to upload a photo to your profile.绝大多数SNS新闻媒体中文网站都阳光普照概要部份上载你的相片。自拍照 selfieCelebrities like sharing their selfies with their followers.歌星们很讨厌和她们的影迷们撷取她们的自拍照。模版 emoticonSome emoticons are hilarious!有些表情符巨搞笑!智能智能手机 smartphoneMany use their smartphones to browse the internet these days.许多人现在都用智能智能手机上网。平板电脑 tabletTablet computers are much lighter to carry - especially when travelling.平板电脑很轻,方便在旅行时携带。平板智能手机 phabletPhablets have bigger screens compared to traditional smartphones.大多平板智能手机的屏幕都比传统智能智能手机的大。


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