Twitter买播放量平台 --twitter涨粉丝平台

中新网1月27比藏西县 据信息技术网志中文网站Gizmodo报导,日前Twitter页面的两个安全漏洞被辨认出能用以快速增长影迷数目。
A Simple Twitter Bug Lets You Get Unlimited Followers Just By Clicking
Your number of Twitter followers is sort of a badge of honor. It doesnt mean much, but havingmore is something (stupid) to brag about. Thanks to a bug currently active on Twitter, you can have as many as you want, just by clicking one button a ton of times.
Discovered by Karnesh Mehrah, the bug is dumb easy to exploit. Just log into a second Twitter account, go to the[targethandle], and then hammer on the follow button. Youll notice the count keeps going up. Heres my before and after, with about 45 seconds of clicking in between:
If you really want to get busy, you can automate the process in Javascript the way Mehra explains, but just hammering the left mouse button works as well. Once Twitter figures this out, its bound to go away (weve reached out for comment; sorry, we had to), but Mehra reports his inflated follower count has persisted from some six hours so far.
So if you wanted to know what its like to be Twitter famous—or at least look like it—you can go try the exploit too. Although use it at your own risk; Twitter might not be too pleased if they catch you. Dont look at me if you get suspended. And sure, its not quite the boost you get from buying followers, sure, but its free and so stupid easy you cant not give it a try. [Karnesh Mehrah viaHacker News]