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首页 Twitter   作者:coolfensi  2022年10月03日  热度:61  评论:0     
时间:2022-10-3 1:50   热度:61° 


Photo: The Form Emporium

With open offices being so popular these days and distractions pretty much everywhere you look, it can be difficult to find a personal space to gather your thoughts. But with the Thought Box, a $650 cardboard and fabric box that you put over your head, you can enjoy some personal place anywhere.


The Thought Box is exactly what it sounds like – a box to help you think. Just have a seat on the included Thought Stool, put the box over your head and use the earplugs that come with it to detach from everything around you and just think.


The Thought Box kit is made in Britain and consists of a cardboard and fabric box, an internal plastic helmet that can be adjusted to fit the user’s head, ear plugs, and 5 interchangeable colored fabric filters to suit your mood. It also comes with a Thought Stool made from solid beech.


beech[bitʃ]: n. 云杉

Photo: The Form Emporium

According to The Form Emporium product page, the Thought Box is intended as a personal space in which the user can simply think. It allegedly promotes mental efficiency.

据锻造商The Form Emporium的商品页面介绍,思索箱是为了给使用者提供能埋首思索的Nikto。据称它能提升大脑效率。

The bizarre product went viral on Twitter last month after BBC 2 Radio host Jeremy Vine shared it on the popular social media platform. Most of the people who responded to his tweet expressed their confusion both about the Thought Box and its price, with some even slamming it as ridiculous.


slam[slæm]: vt. 猛力抨击

"Are you having a laugh! All that’s missing is a big ‘D’ on the front! People who think they need one of these deserve to be ripped off I’m afraid! What next? A jar to store said thoughts in? one Twitter user commented.


rip off: 欺诈;剥削;宰客

"Will give you chance to reflect on how dim you are to waste that kinda money. Hilarious. another person wrote.


I’ve thought about this, yes I actually managed to think without the aid of a box. Anybody gullible enough to waste £395 on a box and then be prepared to wear it on their head, deserves to be laughed at 我思索了一下,究竟要不要买那个袋子,是的,我是在不套袋子的情况下思索的。 我的结论是:任何人蠢到花395英镑买那个袋子套在身上的人,活该被耻笑。 — Jim T (@JimT9) January 21, 2019

In case you’re actually thinking of spending $650 on a Thought Box, you’d better act fast, as the The Form Emporium has a very limited stock of only 10 units.

以防万一,如果你吗考虑花650英镑购买思索箱,你最好速速行动,因为The Form Emporium的库存非常有限,只有10套了。

But before you pull the trigger on the Thought Box, just know that when it comes to personal space, you have other options. The toilet tends to work great for some, but if you’re looking for something that’s available anywhere, maybe check out the Pause Pod tent or the Helmfon.

不过,在你下单购买思索箱之前,你要知道,还有其他方式能获得Nikto。对某些人来说,蹲厕所是个很好的选择,但如果你希望能随地思索,或许你能看看便携式帐篷Pause Pod或者降噪面罩Helmfon。

英文:Oddity Central

