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首页 Twitter   作者:coolfensi  2023年02月07日  热度:50  评论:0     
时间:2023-2-7 17:28   热度:50° 

原标题:特朗普推特3天掉粉6万 网友:取关的都是事业粉吧……

一天一点会员口语群2020年第11期招生倒计时第6天,详情请点击: 招生简章|"一天一点"会员口语群2020年第11期招生进入倒计时!








His days in the White House are numbered in the wake of his defeat to Joe Biden, but Trump has continued to spread misinformation about the election on Twitter, leading to speculation he could be swiftly banned from the platform after he leaves office.


Now it seems at least some of his 88 million-plus Twitter followers may have had enough, with his follower count having dropped for four consecutive days.



Almost 10,000 Twitter accounts have unfollowed today so far, according to social media analytics platform Social Blade. On November 24, his count dropped by 12,476. On November 23, it fell by 5,979 and, on November 22, it tumbled by 19,164.

根据社交媒体分析平台social Blade的数据,今天已有近1万个Twitter账户取关。11月24日,他的粉丝减少了12,476人,11月23日5979人,11月22日19164人。

In comparison, Bidens Twitter growth appears to be surging—although his 19.8 million follower count still lags far behind Trump. Today, Bidens account has gained more than 130,000 followers, according to Social Blade.

相比之下,拜登的推特增长似乎正在加速——尽管他的1980万粉丝数量仍然远远落后于特朗普。据Social Blade的数据显示,拜登的账户今天的新增粉丝超过13万。

While the exodus on Trumps account could be attributed to a purge of "bot" accounts, the man behind a social media campaign hoping to persuade Twitter users to ditch Trumps profile says the "slow trickle" of unfollows do not seem to match that theory.



Andrew Lazar, who is spearheading the UnfollowThePres project, is recording how many people are now dropping Trumps account. And unlike Twitters approach to the president, which has recently focused on flagging posts as "disputed," Lazar told Newsweek that the aim is to "take away his favorite toy."


Lazar previously ran an experiment called SuspendThePres that tested how Facebook and Twitter moderated the presidents posts in comparison to typical users.


His latest campaign is run manually with the help of analytics from an app called Tweetbot and has gained close to 15,000 followers since its launch on Tuesday.


According to Lazar, Trumps Twitter following appeared to peak at about 88.9 million this week before starting to fall—broadly echoing Social Blades figures.

据拉扎尔称,特朗普在推特上的粉丝数量在本周达到高峰,约为8890万,之后开始下降——这与Social Blade的数据基本一致。

Lazar told Newsweek: "By January, he will no longer be relevant to our national conversation. His Twitter account, however, still gives him enormous influence. Hes using that influence to continue to divide our country. I mean, the guy cant concede a loss and wants to broadcast false fraud claims to his adherents. Its dangerous.


"Since Twitter is just putting up some meaningless flags, I say we as the Twitter community have the power and obligation to turn down his volume and we should do so. Remove his amplification and you help dial down the power of his rhetoric."



For now, the question of what happens to Trumps account after he departs the White House is unanswered. Twitters official line hasnt changed in recent weeks, despite the platform repeatedly having to flag his posts.



A Twitter spokesperson told Newsweek last week: "Twitters approach to world leaders, candidates and public officials is based on the principle that people should be able to choose to see what their leaders are saying with clear context. This means that we may apply warnings and labels, and limit engagement to certain tweets."



This could be problematic for Donald Trump. The sitting president loves to tweet, yet hes often broken Twitters rules, especially in recent weeks.


Twitter has already confirmed that Trump will lose his worldleader protections once Joe Biden is sworn in on January 20.


If Trump continues to flout Twitter policy after that date, he could not only lose his blue check mark, but he could be completely kicked off the service.


Twitter said that it will meet with the Biden-Harris transition team in the coming months to transfer social media accounts from President Donald Trump to the new administration, regardless of whether or not Trump concedes the race.


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