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国外抖音加观看量--Tik Tok资讯

首页 TIKTOK   作者:coolfensi  2023年03月28日  热度:152  评论:0     
时间:2023-3-28 5:57   热度:152° 


本月,The Economist《经济学人》和 The Atlantic 《大西洋月刊》双双写了专题文章,集中火力向「抖音」开炮。不过这里的「抖音」不是中文版抖音,而是国际版抖音 TikTok

主要的原因很简单,最近「抖音」实在太火了,火爆到什么程度呢?在过去一年,它的下载次数超过了 7.5 亿,比 Facebook 和自家的其他产品 Instagram、WhatsApp 加起来的总下载量还要多。

The app was downloaded more than 750m times in the past 12 months, more than Facebook plus its sister services, Instagram and WhatsApp, combined.

这是中国互联网公司在国外取得的第一次大规模成功,碾压了竞争对手,也怪不得外媒要「严肃」看待 TikTok 引发的一系列「严肃问题」。



文章的标题是TikTok time-bomb《定时炸弹 TikTok》。从标题就可以看出文章的基调并不友好。

IF THIS ARTICLE were a TikTok video, it would already be almost over—and you would be smiling. TikTok’s 15-second clips are all the rage among teenage netizens. The app was downloaded more than 750m times in the past 12 months, more than Facebook plus its sister services, Instagram and WhatsApp, combined. Fun aside, TikTok raises serious questions—about data geopolitics, the power of internet incumbents and who sees what online.


接下来作者开始讲 TikTok 的火爆程度,起初用了一句概述was all the rage among teenage netizens


be all the rage是一个短语,to be very popular and fashionable ,指某个人或事物「十分流行;风靡一时」。比如,小李子曾经因为主演了《泰坦尼克号》迅速走后。

DiCaprio became all the rage after starring in the film Titanic’.迪卡普里奥主演了电影《泰坦尼克号》之后迅速走红。

文中的fun aside是指「先撇开娱乐性不说」,说到这儿,作者的态度已经非常明显:夸你 TikTok 下载数量多才不是我这篇文章的任务,咱们这次唠的是严肃嗑。

在第一段的结尾,作者在归纳了 TikTok 引发的社会问题,包括:data geopolitics数字地缘政治,对现在互联网企业internet incumbents的影响,网民该浏览什么内容。

incumbent/ɪnˈkʌmbənt/ (n. & adj.)作为名词,指「在职者,现任者」;另一个词性则是形容词,比如,the incumbent president 现任总统。文章中的internet incumbents则是指「现有的这些互联网企业」。

不过「现任男友」却不是 incumbent boyfriend,除非是开玩笑的说法。为什么此现任不是彼现任,这就要提到看英文释义的问题了。


incumbent英文释义:having an official position 在职的;现任的
The China connection has Washington in a tizzy. On November 1st it emerged that America’s government has opened a national-security review of ByteDance’s takeover in 2017 of Musical.ly, an app developed in China, which later became TikTok. On November 5th congressmen lambasted ByteDance for not showing up to a hearing.

为什么 TikTok 会让美国人这么警惕,中国血缘+产品风靡世界,这是两个主要因素。作者也毫不讳言,The China connection has Washington in a tizzy.in a tizzy「焦虑不安的,心慌意乱的」,很适合我,我要拿走了。

2017 年 TikTok 的母公司字节跳动 ByteDance 收购了一家音乐短视频平台http://Musical.ly。这款应用同样由中国团队开发,在海外获得了巨大成功。 所以头条为了收购这家公司,不惜投入重金,耗资 10 亿美元,这也成了头条史上最大的一次takeover收购案 。

11月1日,美国政府就该收购案启动了national-security review「国家安全审查」。

lambaste/ læmˈbeɪst/ (vt.)英文释义:to attack or criticize sb/sth very severely, especially in public (尤指公开地)猛烈抨击,狠狠批评
Hawks argue that TikTok gives the government in Beijing access to data on millions of Americans and that it censors content the regime does not like. If America’s sanctions on Huawei, a maker of telecoms gear, are about disentangling electronics supply chains, its assault on ByteDance is an attempt to keep the data flows of America and China separate. ByteDance rejects these accusations, saying that non-Chinese user data sit on non-Chinese servers, and that decisions about what not to show American users are made in America.


access是老老朋友了,微博 023 颗栗词 + 第一篇《听力精读》都有讲过。give sb./sth. access to data是指「允许……访问数据」。

censor/ˈsensə/英文释义:to examine books, films, letters etc to remove anything that is considered offensive, morally harmful, or politically dangerous etc 审查(书刊、电影、信件等)

regime/reɪˈʒiːm/ ,这是一个读起来不怎么好听,而且多用作贬义的单词,指 a government, especially one that was not elected fairly or that you disapprove of for some other reason 政权,(尤指未经公平选举而掌权的)政府。


这一段还提到了对a maker of telecoms gear电信设备制造商华为的制裁sanctions作为类比。


可以指对国家的「制裁」,也可以指对某人、某机构等的「处罚」,类似 punishment。

美国希望通过制裁这种方式,disentangle electronics supply chains「在电子设备供应链上切断与中国的联系」。

disentangle搭配:disentangle sth (from sth)英文释义:to free sb/sth from sth that has become wrapped or twisted around it or them 使解脱;使脱出;使摆脱He tried to disentangle his fingers from her hair.他竭力将手指从她缠绕的头发中挣脱出来。
For his part, Mark Zuckerberg is less worried about data sovereignty and more about competition from TikTok, China’s first runaway web success in America. Facebook is pulling out the big guns it deploys against fast-growing upstarts.

接下来就是 TikTok 对于美国同行的影响了。扎克伯格 Zuckerberg 倒是不怎么担心数据主权data sovereignty,毕竟这是政治上的问题。他担心的是自己公司受到了多大的冲击,因为 TikTok 是 China’s first runaway web success in America。

runaway/ˈrʌnəweɪ/英文释义:happening very easily or quickly, and not able to be controlled 轻易的;迅速的;难以控制的a runaway winner/victory轻易获胜的人;轻而易举的胜利deploy/dɪˈplɔɪ/英文释义:to move soldiers or weapons into a position where they are ready for military action 部署,调度(军队或武器)
Critics of artificial intelligence are also watching the Chinese app closely. What users see on Facebook and other Western social media is in part still down to who their friends are and what they share. TikTok’s main feed, called For You, is determined by algorithm alone: it watches how users behave in the app and uses the information to decide what to play next. Such systems create the ultimate filter bubble.

除此之外,人工智能 artificial intelligence 的批评者们也在关注 TikTok。这一段提到了抖音main feed「信息流」的推荐机制 For You。这套推荐机制完全由algorithm「算法」决定。


filter bubble「过滤气泡」,这是一则互联网术语,通过算法对用户行为的跟踪,会过滤掉一些数据,给用户提供自己喜欢或者观点一致的内容。而「个性化推荐」的另一结果就是我们可能会受其限制,导致视野变窄,认知单一。


All these worries would be allayed if TikTok turns out to be a passing fad. In a way, the app is only riding on other social networks. It relies on people’s Facebook or Twitter accounts for many sign-ins. TikTok owes part of its success to relentless advertising on rival services. According to some estimates, it spent perhaps $1bn on social-media ads in 2018. At the same time, many who download TikTok quickly tire of its endless digital sugar-rush.

allay worries中的allay是「减轻」的意思,类似 relieve。

allay/əˈleɪ/英文释义:to make sth, especially a feeling, less strong 减轻(尤指情绪)allay fears/concern/suspicion 减轻恐惧;减轻忧虑;减少怀疑

fad是指 something that people like or do for a short time, or that is fashionable for a short time「一时的流行风尚」,前文中提到了另一个表示「风靡」的短语be all the rage,还记得不?

a passing fad要是想翻译得诗意些的话,可以译为「明日黄花」。

ride on other social networks和后面的relyon含义类似,指「依赖于,取决于」。含义相似的短语还有depend on... 。

ride on sth英文释义:to depend on sth 依赖于;依靠My whole future is riding on this interview.我的未来全靠这次面试了。
tire of sb / sth英文释义:to become bored with someone or something 对…感到厌烦:Sooner or later hell tire of politics.迟早他会厌倦政治的。

最后这段,作者的观点有点「可爱」,他说:TikTok 再流行也要受到 Facebook 或者 Twitter 的掣肘,因为国外用户通常都是用这两个账户进行登录。

另外,他认为 TikTok 成功的一大原因在于不停投放广告。而且,很多下载了 TikTok 的用户没多久就厌倦了。
