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首页 Facebook   作者:coolfensi  2022年10月23日  热度:33  评论:0     
时间:2022-10-23 8:34   热度:33° 

Why do some people dislike giving their opinions?

If I had to hazard a guess I would say there are probably a few reasons. To start with, lack of confidence in ones own views on a particular matter, and secondly, a fear of negative ramifications for sharing a certain view publicly. At least, these are the reasons why Im often reticent to do so and I imagine plenty of other folk feel a similar way.


Many people simply lack the self-assureness to speak out on subjects. Intellectual insecurity leads some people to feel that they can never share an opinion on an intelligent topic because theyre not a so-called expert. While this shows an endearing humbleness it can go too far, to the point where one remains silent in most conversations. Also, who is the arbiter of expertise? Lots of bold people talk complete nonsense and are never called out for it. Theyd be totally unable to back up their opinions if questioned, but a bit of panache and confidence in their own views seem to guarantee that they dont lose face when speaking out.


Negative social consequences are another big motivating factor for keeping schtum. Its all fine an dandy sharing thoughts in abubbleof like-minded people, since you already know everyone will agree with you. But, giving a controversial viewpoint in front of people who maybe dont think the same way can have potential downsides. For one, theyre unlikely to want to be friends with you, and at a deep level I think we all want to be liked by others. On top of that, theres fear of causing offence. The majority of folk try their best to be polite in society, and if that means holding ones tongue now and again to avoid offending someone, then its a price many of us are willing to pay. Finally, speaking out can lead to ostracization or even legal punishment in some cases. If a view goes against social orthodoxy or the government of the day, an outspoken individual might find themselves in real trouble.


As you can see, its a bit of a minefield. I think were all constantly weighing up the pros and cons every time we share an outlook. For that reason, I certainly dont blame people for deciding to keep their thoughts to themselves. Its something I should probably do more often.


Are there any apps designed for collecting opinions about products or services?

Absolutely, besides having dedicated apps for this reason, most e-commerce ones have it as a built in feature.


Ill use Amazon as an example, seeing as its the largest e-commerce platform worldwide. While browsing any product, one can skim over the reviews before buying to see if its worth the money. Theres a rating system of between 1 and 5 stars and previous buyers have the opportunity to leave a comment.


Im not sure who pioneered this but its become an integral part of internet shopping these days. I personally, find it invaluable as it negates the trust issue that shopping online is fraught with. Yes, we can look at a picture on a website, but those can often be misleading. Knowing that real people have bought and rated a commodity helps me feel at ease when purchasing.


From travel and tourism apps like booking.com, to restaurant and takeaway ones like Just Eat, so many platforms encourage users to review and rate products or services featured on them. Id say its definitely improved the modern phenomenon of buying everything on a smartphone, for me and many others as well.

对一些旅游App比如说像booking缤客和餐厅外卖AppJust Eat这样的很多网络平台鼓励用户再次浏览并对产品和服务评分,我觉得这绝对改善了在手机上完成一切购买的现代社会现象,这对我和对很多人都是一样的。

Why do people like to express their opinions on the Internet nowadays?

I guess the internet and especially social media kind of serve as a modern version of the town square. The fact that basically the whole world is connected, gives anyone who wishes a voice and a platform. Many of the negative ramifications for sharing a viewpoint that I mentioned earlier dont apply online. Anonymity is a prime reason for this. When creating a profile on social media, one doesnt need to use their real name or photo. This is like going about the streets in a disguise and causes people to act and behave in ways they wouldnt otherwise. So that shy, withdrawn person in real life now has the courage to add their two cents to a conversation.


In addition, online its easier to find and connect with likeminded people. So those unorthodox thoughts can be shared in an environment devoid of hostility. For example, your neighbour may find your views on religion, music, movies or politics disagreeable, but your social media circle understands your mentality, freeing you up toblether away.


What are the disadvantages of sharing opinions on the Internet?

Taking all public discourse online is a bit of a double-edged sword. While those aforementioned benefits exist, there are additional downsides.


The same anonymity that unburdens the introverted, can cause people to discard those manners, so important to society, that I mentioned previously. Take my mate David for instance. Hes a lovely guy in real life: courteous, caring and considerate. However, Im friends with him on social media and I see some of his posts and spats with people from time to time. Theres such a gap between his digital persona and the flesh and blood person I know. Bellicose, catty and malicious rhetoric characterize his facebook page and its really caused me to wonder what hes thinking under the surface when I talk to him.

The psychological distancing that happens during online discourse seems to make some people see each other as less human, hence discarding any empathy for them. So, when a user posts something contentious and it gets shared around, it can lead to cyber bullying, a twitter mob or even doxing. Tons of people have had their lives destroyed for simply posting a thought on social media, and in the worst cases people have committed suicide because of it. This dehumanized quarreling is all driven by the algorithms that crave user engagement, be it good or bad.


So, while the internet has given a voice to marginalized folk, it also has a dark side that cant be ignored.

