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欢迎来到CL境外营销平台,平台经营Instagram、Facebook、YouTube、TIKTOK、Twitter粉丝、点赞、播放量服务、客服微信:coolfensi 24小时在线欢迎咨询购买!


首页 Facebook   作者:coolfensi  2022年10月05日  热度:62  评论:0     
时间:2022-10-5 0:11   热度:62° 


Up to the end of 2016, the global internet users reach 3.5 billionequivalent to 47% of the world population. Global social contact media active users are over 2 billion. And social network Facebook has many users which is well-known in the world.


Do you really know about Facebook?How manydo youknowas follow?

1、 Facebook日活使用者少于16 亿

Facebook’s everyday-actived users are over 1.6 billion.

2、 每 15 分钟就有 7,246 人注册 Facebook,或者每秒 8 人注册

7, 246 people register Facebook per 15 minutes or 8 people per 8 seconds.

3、 平均每分钟 150,000 条消息被发送

150,000 messages per minute average are sent.

4、 所有网站 23% 的流量来自于 Facebook。

23% network flow of all websites are from Facebook.

5、 每天 7.45 亿移动使用者使用 Facebook

745 million mobile users use Facebook

6、 Facebook 上共激活过超 10 亿的移动应用链接

Facebook activates mobile app links exceed 1 billion.

7、 使用者日均使用 Facebook 21 分钟。

Users use Facebook 21 minutes everyday.

8、30% 的美国民众使用 Facebook 获取每日新闻重要信息。

30% of Americans get daily news from Facebook.

9、 每月共花费 9.27 亿小时在 Facebook 上玩游戏。

927 million minutes are spent in playing games on Facebook every month.

10、 Facebook 共有少于 4 亿个小企业主页。

On Facebook, there are 400 million homepages of small enterprises.

11、 平均每分钟就有 130 万次内容分享。

There are average 1.3 million contents sharing every minute.

12、 每分钟产生 10 万条好友请求。

There are 100 thousand friend requests every minutes.

13、8.9 亿的使用者每天都会登录 Facebook。

890 million users log in Facebook everyday.

14、52% 的使用者为女性,48% 是男性。

52% of users are female while 48% of users are male.

15、18 到 29 岁的使用者占比 34.5%。

Users between 18 and 29 take up 34.5%.

16、带有图片的状态的互动率比普通状态高出 179%。

Interaction rate of state with pictures are 179% higher than normal condition.

17、问句式的状态的互动率比普通状态高 162%。

Interaction rate of question are 162% higher than normal condition.

18、Facebook 目前一共支持 140 种不同的语言

At present, Facebook supports 140 languages.


On Facebook, we should learn to know that:

1、 周四、周五的使用者参与度更高。

Users on Thursday and Friday are more active.

2、 含有竞争类元素的主页保有更高的使用者参与度。

Homepages contain competition are meant for more users.

3、 疑问类帖子能保有更多的评论数。

Question post has more number of comments.

4、 使用表情符号可以增加使用者评论数。

Using Emoji increases users’ comments.

5、 图片帖保有更高的使用者参与度。

Post with pictures is more attractive.

6、 发帖字越少越好。

The less words you put in your post, the better.


Skills we can’t ignore:

1、尝试Facebook群组Try Facebook groups


Group is a place for those users who have the same habits to have free conversation. In the group, the members can upload any content just like they do on personal page and company page.

2、创建个性化标签Custom Tabs

你可以通过专页的‘Views & Apps’来创建个性化的标签。你可以把这些标签当做你专页的登陆页面,即landing page。个性化标签可以包括客户案例,优惠活动或者你们正在举办的其他活动。

You can create Custom Tabs through ‘Views & Apps’. You can use these Tabs as your landing page. Custom Tabs include customers cases, special offers or other activities you are holding.


You can add milestones in your Facebook page which enables you to record the important events of your enterprises. You can upload the milestones by Dynamic Update box which needs you to input some information like words, places, events, simple descriptions and images.

4、利用Facebook洞察分析报告Use Facebook to research and report


Facebook Insight Analysis Report is an analysis tool of interior Facebook which can help you analyze and measure the situation of Facebook, including visitors and degree of participation. It can help find out which is more attractive to your fans.

5、Tag其他使用者或专页Tag other users or pages

Using this, once users tag your pages on the post, the post will be sent automatically to your timer shaft.

6、绑定其他渠道Binding with other ways

You can bind other ways with Facebook. We don’t recommend Twitter because its release frequency are over Facebook. You can bind Youtube, SlideShare and Flickr.

7、置顶或隐藏帖子Stick or hide the posts


You can change your posts’ conditions including stick, hide and delete.

8、嵌入Facebook帖子Insert Facebook posts


If you want to insert Facebook posts, you just need to copy a piece of code and paste on your HTML code. In this way, you can generalize your Facebook contents to get more fans.

9、不要过度推广你的产品Don’t overgeneralize your products

You can publish some contents related with your products from time to time. You can use Rule 80-20. If you publish 5 contents per week, one of five should be related with your products. The others should be helpful or interesting.


We’d better save these knowledge.
