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Social Media Prosumption and Online Political Participation: An Examination of Online Communication Processes


Masahiro Yamamoto, state University of New York

Seungahn Nah, University of Oregon

Soo Young Bae, University of Massachusetts Amherst


本研究探讨了社交媒体的生产性消费(prosumption, 一种消费和生产合而为一的行为)与网络政治参与的关联程度。一项对美国成年人的追踪调查表明,以网络政治信息检索行为为中介变量,社交媒体的生产性消费能间接促进网络政治参与。此外,我们进一步发现,网络政治信息检索会提高网络空间政治讨论的异质性,以此二者作为中介,社交媒体的生产性消费也与网络政治参与成正相关。我们的发现进一步对社交媒体的产消性使用对网络政治参与的影响进行了讨论。

This study examines the extent to which social media prosumption, an integrated act of consumption and production, is associated with online political participation. Data from an online panel survey of American adults reveal that social media prosumption has a positive relationship with online political participation indirectly through online political information seeking. Social media prosumption is also positively related to online political participation through online political information and online discussion heterogeneity in serial. Implications are discussed for the role of prosumptive use of social media in online political participation.



Understanding the Relationship between New Media Literacy, Communication Skills, and Democratic Tendency: Model Development and Testing


Esra Barut Tugtekin, Anadolu University

Mustafa Koc Suleyman,Demirel University


新媒体为参与式行为提供了至关重要的新的信息和传播资源。基于此,学者们对公民在数字时代理应具备且积极实践的新媒介素养(new media literacy , 简称为NML)进行了概念化提取。本研究提出一个结构模型并对其进行了检测,该模型考察了公民新媒介素养(NML)、沟通技巧(CS)和民主倾向(DT)之间的多种关系。数据采集自1047名土耳其大学生,并采用结构方程模型进行了分析。参考一篇文献中的综合性理论框架,新媒介素养可以从四个层面进行操作化定义,分别是功能性消费能力(Functional Consumption,包括消费技能和理解能力,前者即访问和操作基本硬件和软件所需的技术技能,后者涉及从字面上熟练把握媒体内容的能力)、批判性消费能力(critical Consumption,包括批判性分析,整合以及评估媒体内容的能力)、功能性产消能力(Functional Prosumption,使用媒体技术创作新媒体内容并参与新媒体平台互动的能力)和批判性产消能力(Critical Prosumption,以富有成效的方式在新媒体平台表达个人信念和价值观,与他人进行思想交流并在参与新媒体生产过程中分析其预期影响的能力)。结果表明,功能性消费能力和功能性产消能力对批判性消费能力、批判性产消能力和沟通技巧呈现正向相关。批判性消费能力越强,批判性产消能力和民主倾向越会受到积极影响;优秀的沟通技巧同样对批判性消费能力的提高和正面的民主倾向具有积极意义。在间接影响的层面考察,批判性消费能力和沟通技巧在功能性消费能力和功能性产消能力(presumptive use)与民主倾向的关系中起着中介作用。

New media provides new sources of information and communication that are crucial for participatory behaviors. Therefore, scholars conceptualize new media literacy (NML) that citizens should have to function successfully in this digital era. This study proposed and tested a structural model that examines multiple relationships among NML, communication skills (CS), and democratic tendency (DT). Data were collected from 1047 Turkish university students and analyzed through structural equation modeling. Using a comprehensive theoretical framework from the literature, NML was operationalized through four factors: functional consuming (FC), critical consuming (CC), functional prosuming (FP), and critical prosuming (CP). The results showed that FC and FP had a positive effect on CC, CP, and CS; CC had a positive effect on CP and DT; and CS had a positive effect on CC and DT. Findings of indirect effects revealed that CC and CS played mediation roles in the relationship of FC and FP with DT.



(((They))) rule: Memetic antagonism and nebulous othering on 4chan


Marc Tuters, University of Amsterdam

Sal Hagen, University of Amsterdam


迷因一度被认为是表达一种进步性的异议的工具,但本文则专注于考察政治迷因与近年来网络亚文化中的反动性转向之间的复杂关系。研究以Chantal Mouffe在政治性影响方面的研究为基础,探索网络匿名论坛4chan*中的用户如何通过使用迷因文化、迷因抽象(memetic abstraction)和迷因对立(memetic antagonism)等方式将自身建构为政治社群。具体来说,本文着眼于4chan论坛中充满亚文化和极端偏激意味的政治不正确(/ pol /)版块如何通过反犹太迷因,即三个括号(())来实现此过程。通过整合政治不正确版块中大量包含此迷因的评论数据,本文发现此版块的用户——或匿名者——倾向于用该迷因来建构一群会对民粹主义的煽动性言论产生共情的身份模糊的他者群体。


Previously theorised as vehicles for expressing progressive dissent, this article considers how political memes have become entangled in the recent reactionary turn of Web subcultures. Drawing on Chantal Mouffe’s work on political affect, this article examines how online anonymous communities use memetic literacy, memetic abstraction, and memetic antagonism to constitute themselves as political collectives. Specifically, it focuses on how the subcultural and highly reactionary milieu of 4chan’s /pol/ board does so through an anti-Semitic meme called triple parentheses. In aggregating the contents of this peculiar meme from a large dataset of /pol/ comments, the article finds that /pol/ users, or anons, tend to use the meme to formulate a nebulous out-group resonant with populist demagoguery.



Does political efficacy equally predict news engagement across countries? A multilevel analysis of the relationship among internal political efficacy, media environment and news engagement


Shuning Lu, North Dakota State University

Luwei Rose Luqiu, Hong Kong Baptist University



*政治效能感(political efficacy):指个人对自身参与、影响政治的能力认知,以及对政治制度和政治体系的认知。

*用户-用户新闻参与[user-user news engagement]:指两个或多个用户围绕新闻内容的互动,例如与线下和线上的朋友分享、讨论新闻。

*用户-内容新闻参与[user-content news engagement]:指用户与新闻内容的互动,包括用户对新闻报道的反应(点赞、评论等)和公民新闻实践。

This study serves as the first to examine the mechanism of news engagement with regard to the three proposed dimensions (i.e. overall news engagement, user-user news engagement, and user-content news engagement) across 36 countries. We employed hierarchical linear modeling to test how internal political efficacy and media environment—both political and technological, shape news engagement based on the multinational cross-sectional survey data (N = 72,930). The findings showed that internal political efficacy was positively associated with news engagement. Press freedom was negatively associated with user-content news engagement; Internet penetration was negatively associated with the three indicators of news engagement. Press freedom negatively moderated the effect of internal political efficacy on user-content news engagement. The study advances our understanding about the individual and contextual mechanisms of news engagement. It also renders significant implications for news organizations to consider the role of media environment while practicing engagement.



Egypt’s feminist counterpublic: The re-invigoration of the post-revolution public sphere


Dalia Elsheikh,Bournemouth University

Darren G. Lilleker, Bournemouth University




This study examines the current feminist counterculture movements which appears to be reinvigorating the Egyptian public sphere. The study argues women in particular have been able to find themselves alternative ways to develop a discourse focused on a desire for social changes around which they can unite. In focusing on lifestyle issues that normally are discussed only in small private spheres, they are able to challenge norms while not provoking the state or security apparatus and avoiding becoming part of the polarised political environment. This article explores the dynamics and motivations of these groups through a case study of three of the networked feminist movements. Our data from semi-structured interviews with the founders show that they grew from networks to movements which then evolved in order to be sustainable. This article argues that through the process of their evolution, these movements are helping strengthen the public sphere and enhance Egyptian democracy.



Determinants of cross-cutting discussion on Facebook: Political interest, news consumption, and strong-tie heterogeneity


Yanqin Lu, Bowling Green State University

Jae Kook Lee,Sungkyunkwan University


社交网站(SNS)是否鼓励了意见相左者的政治讨论?这一问题在学界一直存在争议。本研究基于一项全国性调查,探究了引发脸书平台交叉讨论*(cross-cutting discussion)的因素。结果表明,参与者的政治兴趣与交叉讨论的实现呈正相关,而在脸书上阅读新闻的频率则是二者间关系的中介变量——换言之,热衷于政治的新闻消费者在脸书上可能会接触到与自身政见不同的内容。此外,强连接关系的异质性*(strong-tie heterogeneity)程度强化了脸书新闻消费的中介作用*(mediating effect)。本文还讨论了脸书使用对协商式民主的影响。




Scholarly debate persists as to whether the use of social networking sites (SNSs) encourages or discourages political discussion with people holding different opinions. Drawing on a national survey, this study focuses on Facebook and explores the predictors of cross-cutting discussion on this platform. The results reveal that political interest is positively associated with cross-cutting discussion and this relationship is mediated by the frequency of news consumption on Facebook, suggesting that Facebook use has the potential of exposing the politically attentive to dissonant views. Furthermore, the level of heterogeneity of a person’s strong-tie network is found to accentuate the mediating effect of Facebook news consumption. Implications are discussed for the impacts of Facebook use on deliberative democracy.

7.并非放之四海皆准! 定制包容性策略的八种数字不平等切面


No one-size-fits-all! Eight profiles of digital inequalities for customized inclusion strategies


Axelle Asmar, Vrije Universiteit Brussel

Ilse Mariën, Vrije Universiteit Brussel

Leo Van Audenhove, Vrije Universiteit Brussel





This article presents a conceptual model that explores the extent to which various (non)-users can be subjected to mechanisms of inclusion or exclusion. The model consists of eight profiles of digital inequalities, ranging from deep exclusion to deep inclusion, and is based upon a combination of five key indicators at the social level (income, education, social participation, agency, well-being) and eight key indicators at the digital level (access, attitudes, digital skills, soft skills, media richness of the environment, autonomy of use, user practices and social support). This conceptual model, by going further than socio-demographics, (a) allows the formulation of an alternative lens through which to look at mechanisms of inclusion and exclusion and (b) brings a significant contribution to existing research by highlighting the co-action of social and digital indicators in mechanisms of inclusion and exclusion.



Oculus imaginaries: The promises and perils of Facebook’s virtual reality


Ben Egliston, Queensland University of Technology






* VR技术套件:VR,也称为虚拟技术、虚拟环境,是利用电脑模拟产生一个三维空间的虚拟世界,提供用户关于视觉等感官的模拟,让用户感觉仿佛身历其境,可以即时、没有限制地观察三维空间内的事物。一般的虚拟现实设备至少包含一个屏幕、一组传感器及一组计算组件:屏幕用来显示仿真的影像,投射在用户的视网膜上;传感器用来感知用户的旋转角度;计算组件收集传感器的资料,决定屏幕显示的画面。

*平台补充者(platform comlementor):数字平台生态系统中的行为者通常涉及一个中心行为者(平台所有者或中心公司)。中心行为者通过吸引补充者在平台生态系统中进行运营活动创造价值。这些平台补充者能为整个平台生态系统提供补充性产品或服务,从而增强焦点产品的吸引力,如增加附加物、拓展现有模块等。

This article explores the Oculus suite of virtual reality (VR) technologies, with a specific focus on the period following the company’s 2014 acquisition by Facebook. Through a close reading of promotional material, we first describe and analyse the ‘Oculus imaginary’ – the narrative produced by Facebook about the Oculus as integrated into and enhancing the experience of Facebook’s wider suite of social software. The purpose of this narrative, we suggest, is to construct and ‘sell’ a Facebook-specific vision of VR’s potentials – one that is appealing both to end users and platform complementors – and moreover, a vision that appears to be conducive to Facebook’s current methods for accumulating profit and power. Following on, we develop via a study of YouTube user comments posted on promotional videos for the Oculus, an anticipatory account of how the Oculus imaginary is perceived to relate to the lives and values of everyday individuals.



Picture-perfect populism: Tracing the rise of European populist parties on Facebook


Anders Olof Larsson, Kristiania University College






This article presents a longitudinal, structural study where party and citizen activity on Facebook is studied over a 10-year period, outlining the growing importance of audio-visual content for online campaigning purposes – as well as the rise of populist parties on the same platform. The study shows that an overall increased focus on video as a means of communication emerges as especially pertinent for native Facebook functionalities. This could have repercussions for how online political communication messages are fashioned – and also for the dependencies on platforms that are supposedly strengthened as parties make choices regarding where to invest their campaign resources. In terms of citizen engagement, the results indicate the dominance of populist parties, who have strengthened their positions on the studied platform. The dominance of populist actors will likely have repercussions for the algorithmic spread of political messages – as well as for the ways in which political messages are shaped.

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